Law Firm

Law Firm


    IT companies

    Trading companies

    Financial companies and investment funds

    Licensed activity companies


Georgian companies have
unique advantages.

  • Loyal tax rates

  • 6th place in the Doing Business ranking

    No problems with European and American counterparties.

    Open access to the state register of legal and non-legal entities.

    Low tax rates, as well as the possibility of reinvesting profits in case of absence of dividend distribution among founders.

    Exemption from VAT.

    Convenient work with the Tax Service: the possibility of postponing tax payments
    for a certain period, conducting electronic work.

    Loyal attitude of foreign banks towards Georgian companies.

  • Low maintenance costs

  • Open registers

    All statutory documentation is stored electronically.

    In Georgia, as in EU countries, an electronic apostille is in force.

    Georgian corporate law underwent the reception of Austrian and German civil law. The best practices of these countries were adopted.

    In Georgia, international accounting standards apply
    for both small and large enterprises (IFRS for SMEs).

    Business support by international audit companies such as BDO, Nexia International, Grand Thornton, KPMG.

    In Georgia, the European Business Association operates, which is actively involved in the development of corporate, tax, and economic bases for foreign business.


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  • 8 years of professional support for foreign businesses in Georgia

  • Registration and full support for company launches (including account opening)

  • Legal and accounting support

  • Experience in legally structuring complex corporate structures


PSP GEORGIA 2024: New Regulations for Payment Service Providers
A payment service provider license allows financial activities both within Georgia and abroad.

July 21, 2024

European Payment Systems: New Document Package
Rokhvadze&Partners offers a new document package that will expedite the process of registering and opening accounts in European payment systems.

May 23, 2024

Application of English Law Concepts in the Liquidation Process of Georgian Companies
Before the amendments to Georgian corporate law, two types of procedures were envisaged: voluntary and compulsory. The liquidation process did not entail the dissolution of companies.

May 14, 2024

Differences between Subscribed and Authorized Capital
It is worth noting that since 2022, new rules for registering statutory capital have been in effect in Georgia following the adoption of the new Law on Entrepreneurs.

Apr 11, 2024

Sole enterpreneur set-up in georgia (small business status)
You are self-employed if you run your own business as an individual and work for yourself. You can keep all your business’s profits after you have paid tax on them. You are personally responsible for any losses your business makes.

Dec 05, 2023

Companies incorporated under the laws of Georgia shall be re-registered in accordance with the Law of Enterpreneuers. This process is typically referred to as “reincorporation”. This transaction, if allowed, normally requires to issue a new edition of the Statutory documents and fulfill additional specified requirements.

Nov 09, 2023

Dear partners, last week we announced about the adoption of the Law regulating VASP on the territory of Georgia. Read a general assessment of the law, as well as the requirements for registration with the National Bank of Georgia.

June 26, 2023

Law firm

Atoneli Street 12,
Tbilisi, Georgia

    Georgia: +995 551 317 330
    Ukraine: +38 044 300 25 81